
Java Takeaways

1. String.substring(int i, int k);

Turns out I forgot that the substring doesn’t include the index listed in k:

String myString = "AAAB";

// index: 0, value 'A'
// index: 1, value 'A'
// index: 2, value 'A'
// index: 3, value 'B'

//substring doesn't include index 3

this means that substring(int i, int k) equivially follows the math domain [i,k)

2. Math.random();

“Returns: a pseudorandom double greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.” (java docs)

//results in an infinte loop
    if(Math.random() == 1) //this will NEVER be true

//btw don't run this, it won't stop

This is again following a similar domain [0,1)

3. OR operator (||) vs. AND operated (&&)

This one is self explanable, I was moving too fast and mixed the two up on a problem