Rotation Code Explanation

Rotation Code


Sets up the webpage with an image (The Scream) and an empty canvas. Includes a button to trigger the image rotation. JavaScript Section:

Gets the canvas and its drawing context. Gets an image by its id. Initializes a rotation angle variable (deg) to 0. Adjusts the canvas so that it rotates around the center of the image. Rotates the canvas by the specified angle. Draws the image on the canvas. Resets the canvas back to its original state after drawing. Button Interaction:

The button is set up to execute a function (myCanvas) when clicked.

Sprite Animation Code Explanation

Animation Code: Animation -This code sets up a basic interactive 2D game using HTML, Canvas and JavaScript. It includes buttons to start, stop, and reset the animation, as well as an input field to set the frames per second (fps). The game involves a character sprite that can be controlled using arrow keys. Various objects such as a background, dresser, slime, and eyes are displayed on the canvas. The game loop continuously updates the frame, handles player input, and animates the character and other objects based on their positions and interactions.